
Showing posts from 2020

It's Not You. Probably. But yes it is. Whatever.

  I watched a video   by Mel Robbins. I get what she’s putting down most of the time. Today especially she spoke to me. She said someone in the world needs to hear what I have to say. And maybe give someone else who’s gone through my experience a bit of a boost too.   Ok Mel, if you say so! Here it is!   (and if you don’t need it, move along, it’s all good)   I think most people that I associate and hang around, especially in my own town, have similar life path experiences. You go to school. You work. You get married. You have kids. At some point you probably bought a house and settled into what you assume is “your life” with the family unit you created.   That’s what I thought I was doing.   I felt pretty secure in my foundation. I loved my family and everything it represented and portrayed. The stability of support, a predictive timeline, those next anticipated steps. Albeit, I was focused on the more inane life decisions that seemed so important, li...