The Low Down on Low Well Water Pressure
Your alarm goes off.
Ugh. Work.
There's nothing you want to do more than snuggle down deep into your warm comfy bed.
But you can't.
Because the kids will find you and the job will fire you.
Congratulations if you've reached the modern day benchmark of success and retired.. but you still eventually must get up and look presentable in case your friends want to play bridge or something.
(I know nothing about retirement, in case you can't tell, nor will I likely ever, but that's another post)
Regardless, It's time to scrub up, Happy Camper!

The general starting point of everyday people in a civilized, non-smelly society is the shower.
Mine especially.
I simply cannot SKIP this Weternized regiment. (ha ha. see what I did there? Westernized/ Weternized? No? ok.)
Let's just say I'm particular.
And the first thing I do is adjust the spray of the water to hit me square between the eyes.
It's really gotta jar the brain enough to properly wake me up.. at least enough to go get coffee once I'm done.
And that takes a lot of force.
So there is nothing more terrible. NOTHING.
I will not lay off the caps. The DRAMA is real when a shower head yields merely a dribble.
A squirt.
A paltry smattering of H20 so insufficient that it takes 12 min just to get my hair wet.
Not to mention, I'm FREEZING up in here! But don't worry. I WILL mention it.
Over and over and over.

LOW WATER PRESSURE! Why has the power forsaken you!?!? I've been awake and out of bed now for 7 whole minutes and all it's brought me is COLD MISERY!!

Except... it's not.
The shower mercifully ended, none too quickly, once sub-standard scrubbing was achieved.

And then I only have to stand stock-still, swaddled and shivering for about 3 more minutes until I psych myself up enough to scramble into clothes.
I MADE IT! I have feeling back in my toes!
My hair, however, did not.

That's right.
I've got low-flo, rushed-rinse, flat-follicles for the rest of the day.
Let me repeat.
I've got low-flo, rushed-rinse, flat-follicles for the rest of the day!!!!!!!!!
Your limp body-character latches onto my head like an under-socialized 13 year old latches on to their phone. And no one can take their eyes off of it.
You are inescapable.
UGGGGGH. Low Water Pressure.. I loathe you. You are the ultimate drip.
A major letdown with your lack of letdown.
Zero body and and a total drain on society...hairstyles.
There's an affordable solution.
Yeah, I know. I kinda buried the lead there. It makes things more exciting.
In low- pressure situations, a new constant pressure pump system will have the Force Be With You once again.

The professionals at Capital Well Clean Water Center can help. Call them.
They're nice.
A delightful chap will likely assure you..
Actually, the system has the power. It looks like this.
Nifty. Simple.
And thanks goodness.
Because I am high maintenance......

Though your Well and Clean Water needs don't have to be...
Ugh. Work.
There's nothing you want to do more than snuggle down deep into your warm comfy bed.
But you can't.
Because the kids will find you and the job will fire you.
Congratulations if you've reached the modern day benchmark of success and retired.. but you still eventually must get up and look presentable in case your friends want to play bridge or something.
(I know nothing about retirement, in case you can't tell, nor will I likely ever, but that's another post)
Regardless, It's time to scrub up, Happy Camper!

The general starting point of everyday people in a civilized, non-smelly society is the shower.
Mine especially.
I simply cannot SKIP this Weternized regiment. (ha ha. see what I did there? Westernized/ Weternized? No? ok.)
Let's just say I'm particular.
And the first thing I do is adjust the spray of the water to hit me square between the eyes.
It's really gotta jar the brain enough to properly wake me up.. at least enough to go get coffee once I'm done.
And that takes a lot of force.
So there is nothing more terrible. NOTHING.
I will not lay off the caps. The DRAMA is real when a shower head yields merely a dribble.
A squirt.
A paltry smattering of H20 so insufficient that it takes 12 min just to get my hair wet.
Not to mention, I'm FREEZING up in here! But don't worry. I WILL mention it.
Over and over and over.

LOW WATER PRESSURE! Why has the power forsaken you!?!? I've been awake and out of bed now for 7 whole minutes and all it's brought me is COLD MISERY!!

Except... it's not.
The shower mercifully ended, none too quickly, once sub-standard scrubbing was achieved.

And then I only have to stand stock-still, swaddled and shivering for about 3 more minutes until I psych myself up enough to scramble into clothes.
I MADE IT! I have feeling back in my toes!
My hair, however, did not.

That's right.
I've got low-flo, rushed-rinse, flat-follicles for the rest of the day.
Let me repeat.
I've got low-flo, rushed-rinse, flat-follicles for the rest of the day!!!!!!!!!
Your limp body-character latches onto my head like an under-socialized 13 year old latches on to their phone. And no one can take their eyes off of it.
You are inescapable.
UGGGGGH. Low Water Pressure.. I loathe you. You are the ultimate drip.
A major letdown with your lack of letdown.
Zero body and and a total drain on society...hairstyles.
There's an affordable solution.
Yeah, I know. I kinda buried the lead there. It makes things more exciting.
In low- pressure situations, a new constant pressure pump system will have the Force Be With You once again.

The professionals at Capital Well Clean Water Center can help. Call them.
They're nice.
A delightful chap will likely assure you..
Actually, the system has the power. It looks like this.
Nifty. Simple.
And thanks goodness.
Because I am high maintenance......

Though your Well and Clean Water needs don't have to be...

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